Nyansapo Artificial Intelligence

School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences, Atomic, Accra – Ghana

4 – 6 October 2023

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a crucial field of study and development. From governments and businesses to technical bodies, civil society and trade unions, policies and initiatives related to AI are on the rise. These efforts, both at the national and international level, aim to promote responsible and trustworthy AI through intergovernmental initiatives like the OECD Council Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence.

Despite the rapid growth of AI globally, Africa has lagged behind in this scientific and technological era. However, the potential for AI to drive research and development in the continent, particularly in areas such as agriculture, healthcare, and industry, is undeniable.

To address this need and contribute to the promotion of AI in research and sustainable development in Ghana, the French Embassy in Ghana, through the Nyansopo Project initiative, is hosting the Nyansapo AI Symposium on October 4 – 6, 2023. This event will bring together professionals from the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Agence Française de développement, and Université Paris-Saclay to discuss the latest developments in AI and its potential impact on Ghana and the rest of Africa.

We invite you to join us at this exciting and informative symposium, which will be held at the School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences at Atomic in Ghana. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the conversation on the future of AI in Africa.

Why Not Miss it ?

As a participant in the Nyansapo AI Symposium, you will have the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of experts and stakeholders from various fields, including researchers, industrial professionals, policy makers, private sector professionals, public sector professionals, and students. This wide range of perspectives will provide a comprehensive and nuanced look at the value propositions of AI in research and sustainable development in Ghana.

During the symposium, panel sessions, presentations, and poster sessions will allow attendees to delve into the complexities of responsible adoption of AI in the local context. You will have the chance to explore AI use cases, particularly in research and development, and engage in dialogue with multi-stakeholder groups, including private sector, public sector, academic, and civic society organizations. This will provide valuable insights into key questions that can be addressed through the leveraged use of AI in the local context.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the conversation on the future of AI in Ghana and to contribute to the responsible adoption of this transformative technology. Attend the Nyansapo AI Symposium to stay at the forefront of developments in the field and to shape the direction of AI in the country.

Aim of the Event

The symposium aims to bring together industry leaders to discuss digital strategies institutions can apply to enable agile, collaborative, and integrated service operations. This implies innovative changes and adaptability in human skills and creative imagination to establish, develop, and maintain an enabling Teaching and Learning environment aligned with digital tools. New methods and techniques will be explored for future research avenues in various fields of Artificial Intelligence, Infrastructure and Computation, and Machine Learning.